Writing an all-school email at WCC is hard, really hard. The common ones especially, like “I lost my nalgene” or “will you take my hours” or “please pray for my uncle”. Never are you sure how to get the phrasing right, how to correctly address hundreds of people at once, or figure out how to say what you mean in such a way as to make people want to read your email. But since IIT staff members have experienced this exact same problem throughout their years of experience as students at Wyoming Catholic College we’re happy to provide you with handy, easy to use templates to make your messages, clear, precise, and the type of thing that everyone at the school would want to read.
I lost my nalgene (or) Missing Nalgene
Dear Everyone,
Sorry to bother you but I lost my _______ (insert item name) in ________ (building). It is _______ (color) with a ________ (sticker) and _____ sticker. I would very much like to have it back. Please tell me if you’ve seen it.
Thank you,
____________ (insert your name)
Can you take my shift?
Dear Everyone,
Sorry to bother you all but due to _______ (insert reason) I’m unable toi work my scheduled shift at the _______ (insert department/crew). If any of you could cover for me I’d be extremely grateful.
Thank you,
____________ (insert your name)
Please Pray for My ____
Dear Everyone,
Would you please pray for my _____ (insert name/intention). He/she/it/etc. Just __________ (what happened) and really needs your prayers.
Thank you,
____________ (insert your name)
More templates are on the way and will be uploaded to irkutskicetruckers.com under the community tab for you to simply copy, insert your details, and send out to the entire student body. (Hint: For best results also send them out to all faculty, staff, and former students as well).
Happy all school emailing!