Lander, WY – Wyoming Catholic College has announced plans today to install a zipline system connecting the dorms with the downtown campus buildings. Suggested originally by sophomore Abigail O’Brien last year, the one-mile-long system will allow students to coast downtown from the dorms in about two minutes. Since the downtown campus buildings of WCC are about two-hundred feet lower in elevation than the dorms, the zipline will only work one direction, and students will still have to walk back up to the dorms, but the “small investment required to set up the system will still pay off in thousands of hours of walking saved for students” according to school executive vice president Saul H. Ciwoknot.

“We want to make getting downtown and getting downtown fast super easy for students,” Saul adds, “The zipline system’s super easy to install and we’ll get it all done over Christmas break, just in time for everyone to use it next semester.” Getting approval from the city of Lander was “a little difficult”, he admits, but the school will offer the zipline as a “tourist attraction” during the summer months, and the school has committed to “esthetic design for the system including camouflaged towers and cables so the whole zipline system blends in and doesn’t obstruct views.”

WCC had considered installing a mass-transit subway system instead of a zipline, but using a simpler rope-based system instead “allows students to get much more experience with ropes and much better preparation for ropes-based outdoor trips.”