Write to everett.polinski@irkutskicetruckers.com to reserve yours or fill out the form below or at this link
If we get orders for thirty we should be able to get the price down to about $6.50 to $7.50 each
We’ll collect payments when they’re delivered in the fall semester. Please only order if you’re absolutely sure you’ll buy one. We don’t wan’t to get stuck with unpaid inventory that we had to pay for.
Any proceeds remaining after we pay for the shirts themselves will go to pay for IrkutskIceTruckers.com server costs and general IIT operations.
Our first six months of operation cost only $1 for the website but our new hosting system will cost $15 for the year and $12 to renew the Irkutsk Ice Truckers name as a domain registation.
Rock on my fellow student rockers,
The IIT Team