This Sunday, the Class of 2022 is losing another member. Isabel is, as you all know, leaving to join the Benedictine order.
Isabel, for once IIT is pausing its satirical shenanigans to pay tribute to you. Your leaving will be keenly felt by every single one of us. Your smiles and laughter will be missed. Having you in section was always fun. And of course we’ll all remember how you simply shone with holiness. Who could forget your gentleness, your kindness, the quiet, radiant piety with which you directed your whole life? You were a wonderful example of the joy and peace God gives those who strive to put Him concretely at the center of their lives. It was impossible to see you and not also see a true treasure and a great friend of God.
You may be leaving Lander, but we know that we, and all of WCC, will be in your prayers, as you will be in ours. May God always bless and keep you, and may you be well rewarded for your devotion in this life and the next.