As nearly all students at Wyoming Catholic College know, true recognition and memory of yourself in the school community depends on doing something out of the ordinary or doing something ordinary but taking it farther than anyone has ever taken it before. But for most, finding something “glorious” that has not yet been done may be a challenge. The IIT Staff Team are experts at this , however, so we’ve compiled ten of the best “pathways to eternal glory” just for you.

Simply do one of these or something like it, and we can guarantee that you’ll be quite remembered in some fashion even to students here decades from now!

  1. Turn off the heat in Frassati, spray water all over the floor, and wait a few hours: Instant Ice Rink – #freezati
  2. Attach the John Wayne poster to the Baldwin flagpole
  3. Raid the prefect meeting, or that is, simply come into the room before it starts and just don’t leave.
  4. Put a fake paper prompt in every mailbox of a class – guaranteed to really make some people concerned.
  5. Earn amazing grades for all your time here and then fail the Senior thesis on purpose
  6. Move into the room of your prefect and start assuming their role
  7. Move into the Blue Room
  8. Install a state of the art speaker system in Baldwin and use it to blast your favorite music before class
  9. Invite an outside visitor to your dorm room (graduate, sibling, friend, and have them stay there an entire semester.)
  10. Ride a bicycle in the classroom buildings

And a bonus (that’s already been done):

The spaces above the library do make a great studying area

And please note. While we encourage everyone’s individual pursuit of glory, please don’t violate any rules in the student handbook, any laws, or anything of the like in doing so. But have fun and go get that glory!