Lander WY – Long rumored to in some weird way to actually be Dante himself, humanities and Dante professor for Wyoming Catholic College, Dr. Jason Baxter announced he is “writing a sequel trilogy to Dante’s Divine Comedy that will explore the return of the traveler from the eternal vision on the hyperuranium plain.”
A sequel of any sort, not to mention an entire sequel trilogy, has long been wanted and warranted to Dante’s Divine Comedy but Dr. Baxter’s work “aims not to just to continue what Dante started narratively but actually imitate Dante’s incredible style while expanding the horizons of political, philosophical, and theological commentary to include more modern topics and considerations” as Dr. Baxter’s spokesman John Baxter commented to IIT News.
The hero Dante, according to a source familiar with Baxter’s work so far, will retrace the steps he travelled in the Divine Comedy, meeting again with many of the characters he encountered at first. However, instead of a mere week going by on earth, centuries will have passed as Dante descends through heaven and purgatory, and rises through hell to return to Earth. He will thus meet many more modern figures, relate what he sees to many more modern problems, and eventually find himself, purified and renewed in 21st Century America, ready to bring his eternal vision as a spark to reignite fervor in the modern world.
On his way Dante will encounter traffic violators, cybercriminals, modern politicians, and even Antifa rioters. A shoot-out showdown with the wolf, whose threatening attack forced Dante to make the journey in the first place to escape the dark wood, with the possible use of AK-47s to ensure a safe escape, this time, will be the climax of the third novel of the trilogy, “although perhaps an epilogue will explore how Dante goes and helps found Wyoming Catholic College” according to another source, who reports that Dr. Baxter has not yet finished outlining the trilogy’s plan, although much of it has already been written in a variation on the “dulce-nuovo”, a new poetic style that Baxter is terming the “triple-sweet-and-doubly-new style”
Titles also have not yet been given for the three books in the trilogy, but Dr. Baxter expects to release one every year, beginning in January 2020.