Lander, WY – Leaked reports from within Wyoming Catholic College administration show that the school is considering an eventual rename/rebrand to Washut Catholic College, after the last name of the school’s current dean and the head of the school’s baseball team.

Washut Catholic College, the memo suggested, will better reflect the demographic makeup of the school in ten years, be simpler, easier, and quicker for people to spell and pronounce, and lead to an overall better reputation for the college by associating it more closely with its top professor and top baseball star while leaving the easily recognizable “WCC” initials unchanged.
IIT sources within school administration confirm the report, “although the change won’t be immediate and will be gradual” according one of our contacts. “Just like how the school under Professor Washut’s administration has been slowly ramping up the Byzantine presence at the school, the horsemanship program, and the school’s business empire, the phase-out of the ‘Wyoming’ brand name will be a slow change.”
Although it may be an apparent concern that leaving Wyoming out of the name of Wyoming Catholic College may make it harder for people to understand where the school is, having a more geographically neutral brand makes it easier to expand in the future with a second, or even third campus located outside of the state of Wyoming. This is apparently somewhere in the school’s future plans, with indecision between buying out Thomas Aquinas College or starting new campuses from fresh, “but WCC, having had to turn away nearly a dozen people this year from being full to capacity, definitely has growth in its future and wants to lay the brand groundwork to make that easier,” reports another of our sources.