Seniors at Wyoming Catholic College this year are continually proving to be the best senior class ever, as especially evidenced by their announcement this week that they would be offering a completely extra, completely superfluous dance the evening of this Friday the 25th.
With totally no hidden motives, incentives, or anything of that sort, the IIT editorial board thinks there nothing we can do but give the Class of 2022 our “Best Ever Class Award.” Don’t you think the same?
Also, please, remember, an official of the Class of 2022 reminded us to tell our worldwide audience, to bring lots and lots of money tomorrow night.
It’s not like the class is trying to make any money off of their generosity, but… you never know, there just might happen to be incredible raffles and live auctions raising money for some ethereal (and school-mandated) class gift that might be purchased at some point by the Class of 2022 in the future. (Wow, I just can’t stop being wowed at the generosity of the Class of 2022!)
Things like maybe the following?
~ Double date w Matt/John
~ Ladies spa session w Emily G.
~ Night on the town w JohnJohn
~ Blind date set up by Hanna
~ Sunday brunch w Baurs
~ Horse ride for two w Ruth
Ego Trips:
~ John will write a poem about you
~ Brendan will learn and perform a song for you
As well as….:
~ Private dance lesson w Jack/Kathy
~ Hookah tutorial w Joe
~ Hair styling w Syv
~ Climb multipitch w Jack
~ RPG one shot w Will
Oh, and something about Daniel Schreiber and Ruth Kress.
I don’t know why, but just bring money. Lots of it. How about tens and twenties? Or is that a quote from somewhere Charlie Brown?