Lander, WY – At Wyoming Catholic College, the Senior Thesis project is supposed to begin near the end of each student’s junior year, with lots of reading, outlining, and early drafting expected over the summer before each student’s senior year before a draft is due at the beginning of November, and a final, finished product at the beginning of December.

But for WCC senior John Carter, “it just hasn’t felt right until now” to consider working on his senior thesis. “Why, that would mean I would be on my way out. And I don’t like that. But, at almost a month into senior year, maybe it’s finally time for me to decide when to start.”

Carter still isn’t sure what he’ll be writing on, still hasn’t found a thesis advisor, and spends most of his time “working on my project with the dudes” (rock-climbing), but isn’t really worried about running out of time. “Ya know, maybe next Friday night I’ll spend some time brainstorming. No, Saturday would be better. No, I’m climbing Gannet Peak next weekend. Guess it’ll have to be a week from Wednesday.”

In other news, Carter has 1,000 pages of reading left to do for tomorrow and owes his friends eighteen rounds of euchre before curfew.