The Spring Outdoor Week is quickly approaching for students at Wyoming Catholic College which means students are busy with pre-trip trainings, packing food, packing their bags, packing their pipe, and skipping their homework (as usual). But more importantly, they’re also preparing paperwork: intricately detailed route plans, risk management plans, daily reflections and curricula for their trips, and more. Now, completing these plans is an incredibly difficult intellectual activity. Most people can’t even get it done on time. It really is that hard. It’s so hard to do well, that most of the data that actually goes down on these plans is actually factually incorrect.
But never fear, just like there are no consequences for anything else you might do at WCC, IIT is also here to help you get your trip-planning paperwork done with our curated selection of some of the best ever trip paperwork at WCC:
Let’s start by examining the Spring 2021 “Skydiving and Sleep” outdoor week trip led by Jeffery Sarvis.
Skydiving Spring 2021 Official Paperwork
Just look at how thorough their big picture plan is, right on their first page:

Anyone looking at this paperwork will know exactly what Jeff’s trip is going to be doing every day as well as who will be leading each day.
Even better, there’s an AllTrails map link. Never mind the fact that we no longer use AllTrails and that the map is actually for a different trip, but it’s there, and that’s what counts.
Next, there’s the detailed trip roster, including everyone’s full personal medical information. WOW! Emergency contact numbers, information on who is a WFR, a WCC driver, an WCC TRAILER DRIVER, and even information on food allergies are on here. I guess Jeff Sarvis will be doing all the driving on this trip, though…

Phone numbers are nice to know to know for emergency purposes:

Jeff’s trip even cares about the environment and made sure to summarize the ways in which their trip might have negative environmental impacts:

They even track what major trip equipment they will be bringing along. The OLP gearage personnel smile upon this trip:

We also see even more concern for safety with the careful discernment of this trip’s leaders that Jeff doesn’t need a parachute, because “He’s too much of a boss.” Great thinking!

The plans for each day are just as good as the overall plan. I mean look at how detailed, the “activities, itinerary, and specific route description” section is on this one.

They even remembered to include all three parts of the curriculum. And, oh boy, does that discussion look excellent.

They even included good information for driving days.
Even if you’re doing a different kind of trip, like a play trip or something, you still need do your paperwork.
Here are some examples of how to make a good daily plan for this type of trip:

No excuses, folks.