New section folks. Anthony Lizzio with Lizzio Studios has teamed up with IIT to launch a new dimension to our web of entertainment options, Memes by Lizzio and a few others specifically applicable to your life as a rocker, ice-trucker, or WCC student.
And we start with “Its Over 9000!!!” about Anthony’s first face-off with his new classmates.
It’s Over 9000

Foosball Power
And now, also featuring Anthony Lizzio, a new idea to generate electricity to power the school. Just have Anthony or other extreme foosballers play nonstop, and…
Are You My Mother – Revisited

NOLSey style… or to be more broad hippie style
Lord Gary

Pope Zepp Vote Zepp

Yep, Jacob Zepp’s running for the papacy. You can support his campaign by buying Church Merch. Once he’s elected, Jacob will use Church Merch to support the church.
Philosophy of Moose

Maybe this will be a course someday if David Tardiff finally gets his way. Because maybe moose are a a kind of rational animal. Or at least they sometimes might display rational-like characteristics.
Belken’s WCC Version of Star Wars

Dane as Finn, Dr. Grove as Luke, Bernadette Wall as Rey, Dr. Bolin as Kylo Ren, Andrew Matthews as Hux, and Dr. Papadopoulos as Lando.