The latest metal legend has arisen at WCC. Fresh out of a week in the Utah deserts, Raymond Engles has now become: RAGEMOND ANGERS or Iramond Irae in his favored language of Latin. From a completely unexpected background, Raymond Engles has emerged to metalhead fame, the first to do so among the current Sophomore class.

Waving his trekking poles in a silent scream of full-blown rage, Ragemond fully exemplifies the IIT philosophy of being “the bravest metal there is” but in a new mode of inner reflection. We don’t know the full impact yet of Ragemond’s new style, but “be prepared to be amazed” declares IIT correspondent and analyst Sophia Donaldson. “A transformation began several weeks ago in his roommate Gregory, in his becoming a god. We look forward to similar surprises in the full manifestation of Ragemond’s new style as well.”
Ragemond Angers