The “man of spice” and maybe all things nice, Matthew K. Kubisch has certainly caused a storm over his last year here in Lander at Wyoming Catholic College.
Launching the term “spicy” into common parlance at WCC with the help of his roommate John and relatives including Sponny (Thomas Sponseller), Matthew’s omnipresent presence at all things so said by him to be “spicy” have certainly “spiced up things around here” as Dr. Gordon Matthews, a theology professor at WCC told us.
And with several more years of the spicy one ahead of us here, the possibilities are continuous and indeterminate, or in other words, big.
So with his new nickname, here’s an amazing new photo one of our editors collected to show off the new name IIT is offering him free of charge:
El Vir Spicus
It goes along quite nicely with the name he gave to John last week, El VIr Dolce. Grammar or linguistic considerations may not take either of these to be perfect, or even good, but here at the IIT Rockhouse, we’re lovin’ it!