Due to a majority of the student body and many professors currently being stuck outside of Wyoming after Thanksgiving Break, school administrators are considering moving all classes tomorrow to Nebraska, where most of those stranded are currently, IIT sources within WCC report.
Extreme snowfall reaching multiple feet in depth trapped dozens of WCC students returning from various locations east and south of Lander, so the decision, though unprecedented, will “actually allow the most people to actually attend class” as school officials determined according to our source. No information was yet given as to how long this “temporary move” will last, as weather conditions will remain cold and snowy for the indefinite future. Nor, importantly, have any plans been made for students who have been on campus all of last week as to how they will attend classes in the inability of anything to cross South Pass or any of the southerly or easterly ways into Lander.

“That’s why I think this all whoeey about nut’in,” says IIT commentator and WCC junior Marcus Gardner, who participated in the “Lander Party Life all week. “While I’d love the excuse to skip classes, I can’t believe the professors would leave people who have actually been on campus in the dust.” But he continued trailing off, “It would be class outside though!”
IIT, while believing the credibility of our expert sources, agrees, and that is why we have labeled this as only a rumor and as only an idea administrators are currently discussing rather than a hard and fast determination. If true, however, an announcement should be made to everyone within the next two hours. And if it is true, that means that IIT once again broke it first!