San Jose, CA – Google confirmed today that Wyoming Catholic College (WCC) students rank as the top demographic of users of their Hangouts chat service. Hangouts program director Chad Stevens commented about the ranking during today’s conference call with company investors as recorded by IIT Business: “With their technology policy meeting the creativity that comes from a background in the liberal arts, we always suspected Wyoming Catholic College would be near the top, but our surveillance data showed us the stunner. Their students use Google Hangouts at 13x the average of American users and have an average of 3x as many contacts as the average as well.” The closest demographic that cuts anywhere close was high-school homeschoolers, followed by Russian hackers, Chad explained, but we’re doing really good business with that small little school out in Wyoming.

Most of the WCC students who currently use Google Hangouts “developed their addiction, err, professional relationship with our platform as homeschoolers back in high school, at the same time as they discovered Google Plus” he added. “Because of this, we might reconsider our decision to abandon Google Plus as we saw large market share shifts to internal platforms like Populi among this target demographic.”
WCC school officials have also been running their own surveillance programs among students for several years and can confirm that Google Hangouts is also the most used means for communication of any kind among students, outranking even face to face communication by 5% in daily-word- count-per-student-equivalent, according to an administration official familiar with the data.