Lander, WY – In a bid to increase campus security, Wyoming Catholic College has announced plans to build a “security fence” around each of the dorms. Fourteen feet tall, chain link, and with barbed wire to be installed on the top and a single entrance to each of the men and women’s compounds, the $1.2 million dollar project will “ensure complete safety and compliance for and from all of our students” according to school executive vice president Saul H. Ciwoknot.

Installation has already begun

The installation has already begun and when completed by next semester, the pleasing steel grey aesthetic will include guard towers that “fit in well with the Wyoming landscape, a full spotlight system and internee monitoring systems.

Guards will also be posted nightly, chosen from amongst trusted members of the Superflex Superteam and WCC Security while prefects will maintain control of students within each block of the compounds. All students will be checked on entry/exit and must secure permission from their prefect for any entrances/exits during the day, with timing and a plan required for each allowed and registered activities. Biometric scanning for all entry/exits will be implemented both at dorm doors and at the compound entrances while nearly six-thousand micro-security cameras within and around the dorms in the compound from the Chinese specialists at Huawei will be monitored by a new Compliance Division of the Student Life Office (SLO) and will round out the project.

Furthermore, curfew’s start time will be pulled back from 10:30 PM to 8:30 PM each night and roll call checks will be added several times a night, while exits will be permitted starting from 4:30 AM each day.

“Lander is safe, and its the best place to grow what we’re doing, and to make it better,” Saul added. “We look forward to fully implementing this plan and having the most secure dorms imaginable next semester. Thanks for your patience comrades while we work to keep you all safe.”