Lander, WY – Finals for students at Wyoming Catholic College havwere are hard enough with already without having to worry about whether the things you’re trying to memorize and understand are actually true. But this time around, in the midst of all sorts of other confusion news is just coming out that there was lots of “seemingly intentional” disruption to student’s attempts at studying.
Not all details are yet known, most especially, who is behind it all, but according to a student source, WCC students have been flooded with spam emails about classwork while dozens of fraudulent, incorrect, or with reference to theology, heretical, study guides have been shared with them. “I got all kinds of ‘Do Read This Book: Ace Final’, ‘Find out how to answer Schubert’s prompt’, “Here’s how to write your dialogue’, or ‘Work on the Definitions not the Props’ emails,” our source told IIT. “Further someone tried to share a dozen different study guides with me, and my roommates each got about fifteen to twenty sent to them as well,” our source added.
Further student reports agree with what she experienced, and IIT intelligence agents are now investigating, although school officials and professors appear not yet to have been notified, but at present we suspect an attack by Karen Clark on the student body. “Check a study guide by a friend before you believe anything on it,” says IIT Security Commentator and WCC senior Sophia Donaldson. “Watch out for Karen Clark!”
IIT doesn’t expect that anyone will fail as a result of having received false information sent to them, as most students seem to have realized that bullet point headings like “Socrates was a happy frog” or “Justice is what makes Matt Kubisch laugh” were not likely to be part of a veritable study guide. However, grades were likely negatively impacted for many students, and IIT will press its contacts within school administration to ensure that no one’s grades are harmed long term “because of what appears to be a terroristic attack on students’ grades.”