Lander, WY – In order to prevent their students from ever being out of contact with the modern world, Wyoming Catholic College has announced plans to add broadband internet service covering all of Lander, Wyoming. “All of it. No need to be near a building to check your school email to learn the latest school announcements and regulations or Google Hangout your friends,” said school executive vice president Saul H. Ciwoknot. WCC, in a partnership with Olsson Technologies Inc., will according to this plan install broadband Wi-Fi antennas with an eight-acre range at just about every street corner in the town, eliminating the problem of students being isolated from the outside world by making the school’s popular curated selection of internet sites available to students wherever they might be in town.
“Want to write your paper from City Park? Done! Send love messages to your girlfriend from 8th and Lincoln while she’s hanging out at the Cemetery? Done! The perfect WCC Wi-Fi, everywhere around town,” added Ciwoknot.
Although the school’s campus internet will now extend everywhere in town, it will still remain password-protected so that “only students can use it,” added WCC’s Executive Enforcer of Student’s Lives, Mary Detesegah. “We also plan to continue to allow students to use YouTube while blocking all study-related sites at the dorms while blocking YouTube and other such less academic sites downtown. It’s a great way of managing web access to ensure students are efficient, effective, and aspire to have a better relationship with technology,” she added with a half-smile.
WCC will also continue to block all Wyoming Catholic College-related web pages from campus internet city-wide including the popular site used by professors to distribute assignments, Blackbaud, and its antiquated but even more well-loved predecessor, Populi. Irkutsk Ice Truckers will also remain blocked from the school’s campus internet city-wide because “the whole point of ice trucking is in itself a violation of the Technology Policy, somehow,” Ciwoknot added.”
Crux Coffee also plans to expand its internet to city-wide service in order for students to continue, as is the custom, to log on to its network for broader internet access.