The American population’s belief in Everett Polinski’s existence is at an all-time low according to a new poll from Gallup, at 81%, the lowest since Gallup started tracking this question.

Experts in Everett-studies attribute this decline to a lack of high quality images of the reportedly former president of Irkutsk Ice Truckers even as camera quality continues to increase as well as a lack of recent sightings of the mysterious figure.
“Americans just don’t believe in Everett anymore,” commented Sophia Donaldson, who claims to be a close friend. “It’s sad, Everett was a good friend of mine, and being attributed as having existence is a good thing, so the lack of belief in this age troubles me.”
Canadians, whom Everett has repeatedly deprecated on social media, believe in Everett at a higher 91% to 9% ratio, but here Everett holds a majority unfavorable 61% to 39% favorability rating unlike in America, where, even with lower levels of belief, Everett is appreciated 83% to 17% even if many treat him as a mythical figure.
Everett declined to comment on these claims of his existence or non-existence.