by a self-proclaimed “professional dater”
In this WCC friend group, it was a tradition for couples: grab a few beers at the bar, find your private classroom, and then spend three hours watching a chick flick. But now Student Life is trying to take it all away.
Sacred traditions observed by Wyoming Catholic College (WCC) couples for years are under attack. For most of WCC’s history, couples had certain time-honored rights respected by custom. Couples had a right to show affection for each other, to watch movies with each other whenever they wanted and wherever they wanted and the right to a reserved couch to “study” on.
But now these rights are under attack.
As one dater put it to IIT under the condition of anonymity, who may or may not be me:
In this WCC friend group, it was a tradition for couples: grab a few beers at the bar, find your private classroom, and then spend three hours watching a chick flick. But now Student Life is trying to take it all away.
What this student is referring to is several new policies by the WCC Student Life Office to increase the frequency of prefect patrols of campus that will, get this, shame the most important demographic of WCC, couples, by simply looking in on them as they enjoy an evening and a flick together.
At WCC, don’t we stand for something more? Don’t we stand for tradition? Haven’t couples done things like this in the past? Doesn’t this then mean that couples spending time together in a private classroom is traditional, and thereby a treasure of the past?
But at WCC now, and probably even more in the future, couples have to worry about what others think about them, a gross violation of human rights and personal dignity. Worse to come, instead of movies every night, Student Life wants WCC students actually focusing on their education, what Student Life claims is the main reason for people to be at WCC, but what a recent survey of students I conducted found is only a small side hobby for most at this school.
But, but, but, what about Season 11 of the MaNdALorIAn and EpiSoDE 145 of Parks and Rec? What about them? What about real CUltUrE like these shows?
I don’t know man, it seems Student Life doesn’t care about your ability to keep up with what’s new and hot…
And I’m not even going to mention the rules that WCC has had from the beginning that restrict the consumption of alcohol. Way worse than Prohibition, which obviously makes them bad, and therefore anti-traditional, because I came to a liberal arts college, and even though I don’t do any homework (shhh) means I can totally think.
Speaking of it, I’m not even sure why I came to WCC, but never mind, the time-honored rights of WCC couples are under attack. Now let me get back to Seinfeld…