Lander, WY – The former Lander motel the Holiday Lodge purchased by Wyoming Catholic College officially has a new name, after the college’s board of directors voted last night to name it in the All Saints Center.

However, the vote was close, and there was intense debate on what the newly renovated facilities complex should be called.
Here are the eleven other contenders for the name of the new facility that were rejected before the board settled on “All Saints” as well as why there were considered in the first place.
- The Lucas Preble Center: He oversaw the project. The pyramids were either named after the Pharoah that commissioned them or their chief architect. Since Dr. Glenn isn’t a pharoah, it would make sense to name the place after him.
- Riverside: The name that the financial office was using for the complex.
- The New Place: The name that FLEX was using.
- Disneyland Lander: It would get lots of tourists to come to Lander. Some of them would
- The Barracks: The other name that FLEX was using. The four-person rooms do remind you a bit of military barracks.
- Marmot Park: The other other name that FLEX was using. There are a lot of marmots on the grounds below the property.
- Craver’s Palace: Ryan Craver does have the nicest room in the whole place, so you might as well say its his place.
- The Everett Polinski Memorial Housing Development: Everett was one of the better-known students. Since his existence is now somewhat in doubt, that kind of places him in the same category as someone who has died. Therefore, the conclusion follows.
- The PDA Palace: Shh… But lockup is going to have a lot of extra work
- The Center for John Senior Lifestyle Studies: What Joe Fredriksson wanted the place to be named. Because John Senior… (Saint?) What other explanation do you need?
- Clear Creek Monastery West: This was also an idea of Joe Fredriksson’s. The idea was simple. By naming the new WCC housing complex after the Benedictine monastery associated with Dr. John Senior’s students, the monastery might be persuaded to start a priory at WCC on the property. Also, the constant usage of name “Clear Creek” at WCC might persuade some students beyond Peter to consider the religious life, particularly at Clear Creek, which is the best monastery out there, because… John Senior…
The final vote, IIT sources learned, was nearly tied between “All Saints” and “Clear Creek Monastery West.” Dr. Lasnoski cast the deciding vote in favor of “All Saints” for the purpose “of not unfairly prejudicing against those saints who were not “priests or religious” like all those married saints he wrote a book about.