Lander, WY – Mark Grebow found himself before “them” today. It honestly came as a surprise. Yes, he had been doing all the things “they” accused him of, but so had his whole dorm. In fact, he had first done “it” at the suggestion of a prefect, well, actually two prefects. So why were they coming after him and him alone, trying to shut down his way of life and not just his way, but his whole dorm’s very way of existence. The disciplinary committee didn’t seem happy, hey, even the students on it weren’t taking Mark’s side. Things just did not look promising. And so he took the extreme, but logical step of simply pulling the fire alarm for the building while he waited outside the committee’s room for them to deliberate and pass down the sentence.
The fire alarm screeched, the committee hastily evacuated the building, and Mark was safe for the moment as the building was fully evacuated and . He ran off to join some of his dorm mates to celebrate with a smoke and a RedBull. He now had time to prepare a defense–or, as often happens, let the school just give up on trying to prosecute, and wind up letting him stay.
Although the disciplinary committee eventually realized the trickery, Mark claiming that he had accidentally pulled the fire alarm instead of the door handle in an attempt to enter the room and hear the verdict, he was let off the hook. They were even anrgier at him but admitted that WCC couldn’t lose anybody more right now. As disciplinary committee chairman Dr. Ludendorff noted, “Mark wasn’t as bad as that group from the Class of 2020, so we might as well admit that its probably ok to let him stay.