Lander, WY — Amidst the stress of the Fall 2020 academic semester, a light shines in the darkness for students of Wyoming Catholic College, and it takes the form of “Moo Therapy”. Clinically proven to lower stress, help process traumatic situations, and even provide intellectual clarity, moo therapy consists of one simple act: mooing.
Sophomore Francesca Xerxes, moo therapy’s biggest proponent at the school, talked to me this evening about the unusual, but effective coping mechanism. “I was just so overwhelmed with school and so stressed out that I just mooed. It seemed like the right thing to do. If I don’t know what to say, or am frustrated, I just say “moo” and everything is so much better.” For Francesca and many of her classmates, it has been an effective stress reliever.
“I have been actively using moo therapy since I found out about it, and have had great results.” Cecilia Thompson (’23) said. “I’m much less stressed and plan to keep mooing, especially in Theology class, which is a very “moo” situation this semester.”
The health benefits of moo therapy outweigh those of other coping methods that are popular at WCC such as screaming, crying, and smoking. Studies have shown that practicing moo therapy is gentler on the vocal chords than screaming, and mooing can bring joy and laughter into situations where crying would just make things worse. Even smoking pales in comparison to mooing.
“The buzz I got from smoking is nothing compared to the high I get from doing moo therapy.” Thompson shared.
In addition, mooing can be done in many settings where screaming is unacceptable, such as in the library, in professor’s offices, and even in class. Sarah Lucretia, a moo therapist from Portland says that the simple act of mooing helps people “let loose” and revert back to “child-like, low levels of stress.”
As moo therapy catches on at WCC, there are still those who prefer more traditional methods of tension-release, such as “car-screaming,” a method which involves sitting in a closed car and screaming at the top of your lungs. Car-screaming has been shown to be somewhat effective when done alone or with friends.
“I know car-screaming is worse for your vocal chords, but there’s something therapeutic in destroying them.” Sofia Orion (’23) said. “Moo therapy is good for some situations, and I’ve definitely used it before, but ultimately, car-screaming is where it’s at.”
Moo therapy, still an obscure coping mechanism, is gaining traction among the students at WCC, and “it’s for the best” according to Professor Vermont Arboris. “I’m tired of seeing students walking around in tears, or hearing their screams echo through the hallways. I’m okay with the smoking, but overall, moo therapy is a godsend and the best solution to many of life’s stresses.”
As far as this reporter’s concerned, moo therapy is an easy, healthy, and effective alternative to more common stress relievers. So keep calm, and keep mooing!