Founded in October 2018, we are an international syndicate with businesses in many sectors but all guided by the goal of becoming the “bravest metal there is”. We began as an ice-road trucking business from Anchorage to Irkutsk but soon expanded into the entertainment, logistics, publishing, intelligence research, and now our largest venture, news and analysis.
We are headquartered in Irkutsk, Alaska but most of our executives are domiciled in Lander, Wyoming.
We’re a global family of Russian and American metalhead and ice trucking aficionados where our unique roots, unique vision, and unique style of fun give us the ability to offer some seriously unique experiences to our clients.
But we offer much more than just ice trucking and we’re growing by the day. Join our team today by filling out your application at this link
Learn more about our history here
Our Businesses
Irkutsk Ice Trucking
Irkutsk Ice Truckers News
Irkutsk Global Energy (joint venture between Irkutsk Ice Truckers and the Redimet Group)
Irkutsk Ice Art
Ice Truck Yourself (an Irkutsk Ice Trucking service)
Irkutsk Ice Intelligence
Irkutsk Ice and Metal Mining
Irkutsk Ice Weddings
and more to come…
Our Staff

Jeffery Sarvis is the second president of Irkutsk Ice Truckers and a current sophomore at Wyoming Catholic College. Originally starting at WCC in 2016 with the Class of 2020 as WCC’s youngest ever student, being a mere 15 years old at the time, Jeff, is a three-time instructor of the school’s three-week backpacking trip, the Freshman Expedition. Jeff failed his Senior Oration by accidentally speaking only in Spanish instead of English or Latin, and instead of completing then what would have been one of his last steps before graduating in Spring 2020, decided instead to repeat the entire four-year WCC curriculum. Jeff is from Tenderly, New Mexico, and besides loving the outdoors, is also well-known at WCC as a bard, joker, performer, and all-around “fun guy”.

Odin Odinssen is the executive vice president of Irkutsk Ice Truckers (since Dec 2021) and a current freshman at Wyoming Catholic College

Everett Polinski is the founder and first C.E.O. of Irkutsk Ice Truckers, chief editor of, and a former student at Wyoming Catholic College. Everett left IIT in June 2021 when he was expelled from WCC (and failed the Music course) and is now believed to be wandering around somewhere in the Wind River Range (or Siberia).
Ernie Thee Bass is a member of the IIT board of directors and the founder of ETBMugBug and Bros
Sophia Donaldson chairs our intelligence gathering team and is a major contributor to our reporting. She is a 2021 graduate of Wyoming Catholic College and an expert at all things politics and Latin.
The Wandering Minstrel is Chairman of the IIT board and our Sales Manager

Alfred Pozno, a junior at WCC, is our nature expert and executive vice president.

S. Ezra Smith is our chief director of wisdom and manager of our e-commerce site
Everard Polinski, Everett’s brother, loves metal just as much or more than Everett and is our Vice-President and Metal Director
The Average Muslim Liturgist is our Chief Faith Correspondent and advisor on all liturgical matters.
Thomas Arnett is our technology director, website manager, and directs our hacking team (just kidding!)
SpoonsMcGee is our news director for all things WCC and a major source of insight for our intelligence gathering branch IIT Investigates.

Pako is our chief Business Strategist and consultant on all matters musical
The Baked Potato, and his team (I am not certain if he is actually an actual potato), are our marketing manager and marketing team respectively.
We’re hiring: Send your resume to or fill out this form

Class of 2021 – Wyoming Catholic College
I always knew that only with the power of the bass could one get blasted into the space beyond the heavens… But I was never able to get there until IIT came around. Thanks, guys!!!
Marcus Gardner, W.C.C. Class of 2021
Find us – We’re Near Wyoming Catholic College