Lander, WY – To the great joy of Sophomores deploring the fact that they are almost over with the Euclid sequence, WCC announced today that they are incorporating the recently discovered and translated sequels to Euclid’s Elements into the curriculum from the second semester of Sophomore year through Senior year.
Dr. Olsson, the translator of the newly discovered four through ten-dimensional geometry masterpieces will teach all of it alone as part of the Math 202, Math 301, Math 302, Math 401, and Math 402 semesters. This material will augment and not replace all existing parts of the Math sequence up to that point although Dr. Olsson anticipates possibly having to skip “some props” in each of the books in order to have time to accomplish everything. Euclid’s Intermediates has propositions as long as seventeen pages long with an average of around eight for its primary sections on four-dimensional quadolume spaces and proofs by death.

As neither of these books has been taught anywhere before, this year’s Sophomores, with whom the changes will begin (as its impossible to start out the Junior or Seniors on “proofs by death” and “gotcha reductios” without basic knowledge of the new common notions introduced in Book IV of the Advancedets, for example.
Due to the rush in which Dr. Olsson, translated these two books from Euclid’s original dactyllic hexameter, most propositions are missing illustrations, something which doubles the terror in the very few sophomores who show apprehension, fear, or depression from this new development.
However, Omnisicens, a sophomore from Iowa, and Zach Lee, a Missouri freshmen, show such keen interest in the subject that they are being hired by Dr. Olsson to proofread and perhaps update the Advancets and Intermediates translations.
“At last, we’re better than TAC’s math program in every sense,” comments William. “I was worried about skipping Book X but this should just about make up for that.”