One sign on Main St. in Lander and a post commenting on it online have pressed WCC baking supervisor known as the “Angel from Canada” to compete for the title of the world’s largest cinnamon roll.
Simply the comment of “Your move Janelle” seems to have studded her into action and an attempt to outdo the former manager known as the “Rosie” to those who knew him best. Seven other bakers and around a dozen other students have officially announced plans to participate in the quest to beat the Chinese university which currently holds the world record with a 450 lb cinnamon roll and details are still in flux but their attempt could be as soon as next weekend or “after the philosophy paper” as one announced to media today at the Crux Coffee staged press conference announcing their intention to compete.

This stuns multiple professors however at an attempt by students to compete for lowly earthly glory. Dr. Pako and Magister, for example, fresh off teaching sophomores Cicero and his famed Somnium Scipionis wonder why all the sophomores aren’t “more concerned with running for political office” while Dr. Shia Labeouf, though privately rumored to have shouted “Just Do It” to numerous of his freshmen students went on record with a complaint that his “students aren’t getting the point of ‘To an Athlete Dying Young’.”
Omnisicens is reported to be handling the geometric design for the project with aid from Dr. Bolin and Dr. Olsson while engineering for how to properly mix, form, and bake the proposed roll is being handled by Theo and Abel C. Currently the roll’s design looks like an icosahedron, but a more efficiently cooking “dodecahedron” shape “is under consideration” freshman Catherine Young, media contact for the project, reports.
IIT TV plans to live-stream this attempt and will release a link to it as soon as we get a confirmation on their planned date to attempt it.