The WCC “Compline Group” formerly led by Sergeant Swindle used to be one of the top ways that students at Wyoming Catholic College started dating. Latin, tradition, and exclusivity rolled up into a one-hour package every night. From the walk up to the Church, to the chanted Latin itself, to the chivalrous final part of the final hour of the Latin Office, the gathering of the books, to the quiet prayer time afterwards, and even the romantic walk back to the dorms thereafter, it was, as one attendee told us, “the place to find God’s and from God but through another’s, love.”
But things have been changing for the group that celebrates Compline, and, at times, other hours of the Divine Office in Latin. For one, Sergeant Swindle, past the torch over to a triumvirate of younger students, Captain Ellis, RCMP Commissioner Witzaney, and 2nd Lieutenant Vidimos. And attendance soared as a new WCC generation sought tradition, devotion, and love, with 20 people attending most nights.
Certain local political matters forced this unofficial celebration to be recently moved from Holy Rosary Church to WCC’s own Immaculate Conception Oratory but attendance stayed strong until this past Lent, when several people “left the group” to join competing Byzantine celebrations at different times of the day, Matins and Vespers (which are, it must be admitted more primary amongst the Liturgical Hours).
And this has caused a noticeable shift. No longer is the “Compline Group” the home of traditional romance at WCC. Those who are left seem to have slightly different intentions. Funny, it seems that all this time in the Chapel is leading their discernment strongly towards the priesthood or religious life. Yep, nearly all of them. As Fr. David would say, “most seem to be pursuing other things.”
The best time and group with whom to “discern marriage” seems now to be the Byzantine Chapel. And it seems the reason why is because, as IIT’s own Byzantine correspondent can’t help but constantly remind us, “BYZANTINE PRIESTS CAN BE MARRIED.”
The RoMAnS on the way to choosing celibate love on the other hand, however, seem also to have a hard time not bragging on this one point, telling us that “proves we’re just as hardcore as those Easterners.“