The overworked and exhausted clothes washers and dryers at Wyoming Catholic College (WCC) “just can’t wait” until the glorious rest that awaits them in just six days, when all of the college’s students will, in the words of the eleven-year-old and oldest of them all, Mr. John’s #3 Whirlpool Jr., “finally get the rest and recuperation we deserve.”
“We’re overloaded, overspun, overheated, sat on, beaten up, pranked, and just plain maltreated,” added the clothes washer. “One of us is a casualty almost every day. We run nearly 24/7 with no breaks. So, obviously, we just can’t wait till the students leave.”
“Of course they’ll be back in just a few weeks,” commented Marl Maytag, one of the newer clothes dryers just installed at the college’s All Saints Center (formerly Holiday Lodge) student housing complex. “But I’ll be able to breathe for a bit, catch up on some sleep, air myself out from that terrible experience with Fred’s old stinkin socks, and maybe, just maybe, get a mechanic out to look at my displaced thermostat.”
WCC’s trusty old air fryer in the Frassati kitchen is also looking forward to being drained and maybe getting a new round of oil, while the college’s van Frost, is also eagerly awaiting a little more relaxation and an oil change. “Just think,” it added, “a few weeks without being jam packed with freshmen!”