Lander, WY – Beginning with the end of this fall semester Wyoming Catholic College’s bus shutle to and from Lander, typically offered from Denver, will be moved to running from Washington D.C. to Lander. “Yes it is a bit further,” school Student Life official Mary Rensilret offers, “But it was an easy and unanimous decision of the Threat Assessment and Risk Management committees. Washington D.C. has a larger airport, less constrained by snow, better road access to and from Lander, and has a lot more bus charter companies running out of it. It’s a win-win-win that will save most students time and money while also making it easier for us and the bus companies since they won’t have to drive the bus to Denver empty before picking us up.”
Washington D.C. is also closest to the world’s population center than Denver is, so that would make it likely that travel times to the start of the shuttle ride will be shorter for most people, even though the actual shuttle portion of one’s journey to WCC will take upwards of 35 hours rather than 6.
“Better and more-travelled roads for a greater percentage of the way, no mountains for 90% of the drive, no snow most of the year if we take a more southerly route. Starting in Washington D.C. has everything,” says school vice president Saul H. Ciwoknot. While some students, particularly those from the US West Coast, are concerned that the “decision will make travel times inordinately longer,” Ciwoknot argues that more time spent on a bus is relationship building for one’s class, and the school had long considered making this change merely for the reason of encouraging that alone.
A Riverton shuttle will still be offered at request, but the safest and most practical solution of getting to Lander, walking, will still be recommended by the school. “We have to remember that driving is the most dangerous thing we do. That’s why we’re making this change to have our bus es run from a safer Washington D.C. to Lander and it’s for that same reason that it’s always preferable that you walk to Lander if you can,” adds Ciwoknot.
Reportedly only junior Lucia Holmes, who already lives in Lander, plans to take up the school on that suggestion.