They show you the ropes, literally and figuratively through the most challenging part of the entire WCC curriculum.

Lander, WY – For Wyoming Catholic College Juniors of the Class of 2022, this semester is crunch time. Not in the sense of eating crunchy things, but just in the sense of their feeling quite crunched from assignment after assignment after assignment, after four papers in a weekend on top of JAP reading, research, and recollection. But on top of all these crunchy adventures and business, there’s also now the stressful question of the Senior Thesis hanging over their heads like the Sword of Damocles. 

Juniors have to decide what they’re going to write on by the end of this semester, an absolutely massive and terrifying task in itself. But worse for them and for their mental stability, they also have to pick a thesis adviser who’s willing to take on their project. 

For many introverts this is pure torture. It’s like a mixture of dating, talking in class, giving a speech, and writing a paper all in one. Plus the fact that if you successfully pick an advisor you’re going to have to work successfully with them for ten months.  And yet class favorite professors are selling out fast as advisors among those few students brave enough to face the “ascent of Baldwin”, the climb to the faculty offices, the interview with a professor, the fear of rejection, of intellectual embarassment, and, perhaps, even worse.

If you’re not one of those students who are lucky enough to have yet completed this arduous task, never fear. At least don’t fear too much. IIT has got your back with a few tips on picking a thesis advisor.

  1. It’s just like dating

Yep, just like Professor Washut said, its that serious. Of course it’s not literally dating. You’re probably not going to end up marrying the professor that advises you. That kind of thing only happens at Thomas Aquinas College, and is the way Mother of Divine Grace school got started. But at least if you think about it as being a little bit like dating you might start to like the whole process a bit more. You’ve got the excitement, you’ve got the intrigue, you’ve got the same competition with your classmates for the same people. Really he’s right, dating is a good analogy to help you organize your strategy.

  1. Think outside the box

Your thesis advisor doesn’t need to be any of the professors you’ve actually had. Sometimes the best advisor might not be the first person you think of. Mr. Clement, Monsignor Seiker, Mr. Suzanka, and more can advise your thesis, and some of us here at IIT even think that maybe even Bruce, Miss Kristin, Joel Samec, or Mr. Sheehan could be possibilities.

  1. Try self-advising

Or maybe you don’t really even need an advisor. Hey, if you want to be a professor some day you’re going to probably have to advise someone else on their own thesis. So you might as well get started by advising your own. Only you know yourself better than anybody else. We don’t know what the school will think about you’re putting yourself down as your own advisor, but, hey, it never hurts to try.

  1. Turn in a thesis, not a proposal for one

If you really want to impress your potential advisor, turn in a full completed thesis to them rather than just a thesis proposal. That’s bound to raise brows, and raise your thesis advisor’s confidence in your ability to write a good thesis. You showed them you could do it already! This also has the advantage of making them more likely to choose you as an advisee since they won’t have to do any work and may lead to a better grade as well.

  1. If worst comes to worst, fight for the advisor you want

Some professors are pretty popular. You might even say, for example, that Dr. Papadopolous has a cult following. But since that means that everyone who wants say Dr. Papadopolous to advise them won’t necessarily actually get Dr. Papadopolous it means you’re going to have to be prepared to fight to get Dr. Papadopolous. Challenge your classmates to a duel in the faculty stairway, a wrestling match, boxing, you get the picture. Whoever wins gets the professor, you know the drill.

  1. Or just skip the thesis and oration entirely

Who knows, maybe the school will soften up over the next few months and stop requiring a thesis and oration by the time you’re a senior. You never know, it could happen.

  1. Talk to IIT’s Thesis HelpersTM 

That’s right, we can help you through the entire process. Just contact IIT at 307-206-5241 or write us at! We’re happy to help you make the most out of the challenging and confusing thesis process.