Lander, WY – Wyoming Catholic College’s summer Flex team moved an absolutely massive amount of furniture and other paraphernalia around in the Baldwin Bulding, the school’s primary classroom building today under the direction of school administration, moves that “included highly necessary and long-postponed rearrangements according to IIT presidence Everett Polinski. However, there are “unforeseen and perhaps disastrous consequences of their ‘big dig'” warns IIT research analyst Joyce Godden.
While moving the mailroom out of the way reduces congestion, in the room from which it was removed, congestion that IIT was the first to warn you about last fall, it increases congestion elsewhere, i.e in the room it was moved into. “It’s simple physics really. For every reaction there is an, uhh, you know the thing,” Joyce said.
This wouldn’t be much of a problem in itself, except that the “new” mailroom repurposes space that otherwise fulfills critical “dating and sleeping functions” for the school community according to WCC senior Marcus Gardner. “Clogging up that space with computers, mailboxes, packages, and printers will only make it impossible for couples to hang out undisturbed or for students to sleep, especially during those times when visitors walk by.”
“How now are we going to serve couples and people who sleep in their lives? Together, they’re almost 100% of our school and these decisions make it seem like we’re completely abandoning them,” Marcus comments.
Furthermore and to some worse, the “very soul of the school’s buildings is at risk of being lost by the moves as a whole.” As Godden adds, “Just look at the old mailroom. Its final cause was totally stripped away along with nearly all its furniture.”
“Look how cold, empty, and empty that room is,” he practically yelled when explaining the situation to IIT reporters, showing us how clean, orderly, and cold the new look much of the Baldwin Building exudes, especially to causal visitors. “What does this place look like now? A studying room? Is this what our school’s coming to? Are its buildings going to look like a school and not like a thrift shop? Can we really still be WCC if that happens?”
Joyce is gathering insight from other students in hopes of finding some middle ground that addresses traffic congestion, which has been a real problem in school buildings while also not creating more traffic congestion.
Take this attached survey to give him your opinion:
Meanwhile, to address the problem of the school’s buildings starting to look more like those of a school’s and less like a thrift shops, Joyce is planning to attach price tags to “literally everything in the building to help us keep a bit of that nostalgia for the good old well-used buildings in spirit at least.”